Divine Hiddenness: Why God’s Hiding is an Act of Mercy

The ability to detect God is a common topic that atheists have brought up and one that I’ve personally heard several times while talking with them. They’ll ask, “If God is real, then where is he and why is he hiding?” or “Why doesn’t God just appear to everyone right now so that we can […]

Contingency Argument Defeats These Two Challenges

The Argument from Contingency says that everything that exists has an explanation of its existence, either in the necessity of its own nature, or in a cause outside of itself.[1] We’re going to look at two popular challenges that have been raised by skeptics against this argument. But first, let’s quickly lay out some terms […]

God is the Ultimate Foundation of Reality: A Different Contingency Argument

One crisp winter evening, I remember looking up into the night sky, enamored with the bright stars and planets that stretched as far as I could see. It was a moment where the vastness and beauty of our cosmos left me stunned. We’ve all admired our beautiful Milky Way Galaxy at some point growing up, […]

Argument from Contingency: The Universe Exists Because God Exists

One day I was talking with a friend about the existence of God and our universe. I asked him to explain why the universe existed, but he told me there didn’t need to be an explanation for it, saying, “It just exists. Period. That’s it. It doesn’t need an explanation.” I quickly concealed my bewildered […]

Are Miracles Possible?

After writing articles on several facts concerning Jesus’ resurrection that nearly every historian (Christian and non-Christian) believes is true, one may wonder why more scholars do not believe that Jesus was truly raised from the dead. Ultimately, one’s worldview is going to determine how they perceive certain facts. If historians do not believe in the […]

Did the Universe BEGIN to Exist? Cosmological Argument

One day a co-worker and I were talking about God and how we all got here. Because he’s a skeptic and agnostic leaning towards atheism, I was interested to see where he thought the universe came from. He replied that it has always existed and that it was eternal. This gave me the opportunity to […]

Why the Moral Law is Not Enough

All of humanity has the innate ability to recognize certain actions that we should either do or not do. We possess a moral compass pointing to a fixed law that permits us the ability to detect basic right and wrongs. The apostle Paul would say we know this because the law is written on our […]

Euthyphro’s False Dilemma

Imagine waking up in the morning, getting out of bed and while starting your routine you discover that you have a very different view toward your fellow human than you had yesterday. You try ignoring it and go on with your day, but it keeps nagging at you. Your conscience just can’t shake the desire […]

Divine Command Theory Makes Sense!

It’s common knowledge that Islamic terrorists have been indoctrinated with the mentality that killing certain groups of innocent people is a good thing, and many have been taught this from as early as they can remember. However, over time, many have come to the realization that what they were doing was objectively (true apart from […]

Moral Argument Keeps Winning: Part 2 – Alternative Moral Theories Fail

I recently had a conversation with another co-worker about how objective morality points to God’s existence. He was an evolutionary naturalist–someone who believes that nature is all that exists. They believe that somehow our universe and life accidentally came into existence by chance, and that humans have evolved accidentally from those events. Nothing exists outside […]