Divine Hiddenness: Why God’s Hiding is an Act of Mercy

The ability to detect God is a common topic that atheists have brought up and one that I’ve personally heard several times while talking with them. They’ll ask, “If God is real, then where is he and why is he hiding?” or “Why doesn’t God just appear to everyone right now so that we can […]

Contingency Argument Defeats These Two Challenges

The Argument from Contingency says that everything that exists has an explanation of its existence, either in the necessity of its own nature, or in a cause outside of itself.[1] We’re going to look at two popular challenges that have been raised by skeptics against this argument. But first, let’s quickly lay out some terms […]

God is the Ultimate Foundation of Reality: A Different Contingency Argument

One crisp winter evening, I remember looking up into the night sky, enamored with the bright stars and planets that stretched as far as I could see. It was a moment where the vastness and beauty of our cosmos left me stunned. We’ve all admired our beautiful Milky Way Galaxy at some point growing up, […]

Argument from Contingency: The Universe Exists Because God Exists

One day I was talking with a friend about the existence of God and our universe. I asked him to explain why the universe existed, but he told me there didn’t need to be an explanation for it, saying, “It just exists. Period. That’s it. It doesn’t need an explanation.” I quickly concealed my bewildered […]

BRIEF Look at the Bible’s Reliability

I can’t begin to tell you how many skeptics and non-Christians have told me that we can’t trust the Bible. Over the years, I’ve had several individuals tell me that no historian believes that the Bible is reliable, or that its original message has been preserved. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve […]

Did Jesus Survive His Crucifixion?

To avoid the evidence for the resurrection and its implications, skeptics have come up with several alternative hypotheses and theories to explain away the data that supports Jesus being bodily raised from the dead. Because virtually all scholars, Christian and non-Christian, believe that the disciples really saw the risen Jesus[1], skeptics must come up with […]

Did the Church Invent Details of Jesus’ Crucifixion?

Skeptics often accuse the Church of trying to manipulate the data surrounding the historical Jesus to better fit the narrative of his supposed resurrection. They claim we have falsified historical details about Jesus in order to make him the divine figure we so desperately desire. Psalm 22: Pierced or Something Else? One such example involves […]

5 BRIEF Facts about Jesus’ Resurrection

There is an incredible amount of historical evidence for Jesus’ resurrection. In fact, one of the world’s leading scholars on the resurrection, Gary Habermas, has put together five facts about the resurrection; and the first four are nearly universally accepted as true by historians/scholars, including atheist, agnostic and non-Christians![1] The fifth fact is accepted by […]

Did the Disciples or Someone Else Trick Us?

In order to avoid the evidence for the resurrection and its implications, skeptics have come up with several alternative hypotheses and theories to explain away the data that supports Jesus being bodily raised from the dead. Skeptics often claim that Jesus’ disciples made this whole resurrection thing up in order to create a new religion. […]

Was the Risen Jesus a Vision?

To avoid the evidence for the resurrection and its implications, skeptics have come up with several alternative hypotheses and theories to explain away the data that supports Jesus being bodily raised from the dead. Because virtually all scholars, Christian and non-Christian, believe that the disciples really saw the risen Jesus,[1] skeptics must come up with […]